Unveiling the Ultimate 13 ROMP Sex Toys: Elevate Your Intimacy with Our Exclusive Roundup!

Unveiling the Ultimate 13 ROMP Sex Toys: Elevate Your Intimacy with Our Exclusive Roundup!

Introduction to ROMP Sex Toys

romp sex toys are great and affordable.

Sex toys can’t reliably be called “affordable” anymore. With most toys being around $50-60 minimum and toys cheaper than that being sub-par, when I find quality sex toys at an affordable price, I have to sing about it. 

Enter ROMP. ROMP is a sex toy brand owned by Wow-Tech (who also manages We-Vibe, Womanizer, and ArcWave) and is truly an economical brand of sex toys. Plus, most of them are fucking fantastic. Some of my favorite HYPE toys are ROMP toys. While there is the occasional disappointment, I have more praise than criticism for most of their toys. 

A Good Ol’ Roundup of Sex Toys – ROMP Vibrators, ROMP Butt Toys, ROMP Suction Toys

I proposed creating a roundup for my undying love of ROMP toys. ROMP sent five toys: ROMP Bass, ROMP Rose, ROMP Lipstick, ROMP Flip, and the ROMP Switch X

I have also had the pleasure of reviewing numerous of their toys, such as the ROMP Hype, ROMP Shine, ROMP Free, ROMP Wave, ROMP Jazz, ROMP Riot, ROMP Beat, ROMP Cello, and ROMP Amp. I’ve included a lot of them in this article, too. Don’t forget your lube while you’re at it!

Some were stellar, others were good, and just a few were shit. Take a look at my ranking of ROMP sex toys by type and revel in their prices. Click on the links to see my reviews! 

ROMP Vibrators

  1. ROMP Hype – The ROMP Hype is one of my all-time favorite ROMP toys. I started by using it to massage my ears (a favorite stimuli of mine) and worked my way down to my clit. The Hype is powerful and doesn’t run; it sprints to get me to the finish line. 
  2. ROMP Beat – This sex toy is shaped like a standard bullet toy and packs the same punch as the ROMP Hype. It’s a toss-up about my favorite: the Hype or the Beat.
  3. ROMP Riot – This lil’ bullet toy is, well, a bullet sex toy. 
  4. ROMP Flip – While the vibrations are excellent, my head is too flexible. I do appreciate some give to a sex toy, but the neck flat-out buckles, and I’m not able to apply adequate pressure against my body.
  5. ROMP Jazz – This toy is a testy one. I don’t know whether or not to recommend it. While it has the power of the ROMP Hype, the rabbit ears are finick

ROMP Suction Toys

  1. ROMP Free – This is one of my favorite suction toys. When I was just getting started with suction-like toys, I didn’t expect much from the Free because the head was hard and didn’t have attachments. However, it quickly grew on me.
  2. ROMP Switch X – The ROMP Switch X was my savior when I desperately tried to come after using the ROMP Lipstick. A+ work on the Switch X’s part, I must say. 
  3. ROMP Rose – I realized shortly after using the ROMP Lipstick that I needed something more powerful. While the Rose was more powerful, it did have a harder time resting between my labia. 

ROMP Butt Toys

  1. ROMP Amp – I don’t love butt toys but I stick things in my ass anyway, just for you. I actually loved the Amp anal beads. Pulling them out at the moment of climax is *chef’s kiss* and the buzzy vibrations were BOMB. 
  2. ROMP Bass – The design of the ROMP Bass is fabulous. Buzzy-ish vibrations aside, the head of the Bass is a good amount larger than the neck of the toy and the base is thin and oval-shaped, which is ideal for a toy you want to walk around with. As for the buzzy vibrations, I go for rumbly against my clitoris but I prefer buzzy vibrations in my ass. 


  1. ROMP Lipstick – Guys, this is so weak. I’m so disappointed. I expected to be blown away, but the suction strength was so weak that I couldn’t come up with it. I had to use the ROMP Switch X to get the job done. I wouldn’t recommend this one, especially given that the price is nearly $60…
  2. ROMP Shine – I wasn’t a huge fan of the Shine. Betty’s Toy Box sent it to me and I couldn’t get the head of the toy to stop falling off. 


  1. ROMP Wave – The Wave is a panty-vibrator that had good potential but it doesn’t have a remote to control while it sits in your panties. However, it is a great accessible toy. It’s comfortable to sit on and I was able to use it while I was experiencing insane back pain. The fact that I didn’t need to move was fantastic.

Here, I’ll make this easy for you

This is where you can buy these toys if they sound like they’ll tickle your fancy. 

ROMP Shine | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Wave | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Lipstick | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Bass | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Amp | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Rose | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Switch X | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Jazz | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Hype | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Free | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Riot | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Flip | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Beat | Lovehoney | Peepshow Toys | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

ROMP Cello | Betty’s Toy Box | Lovehoney | Babeland | Goodvibes | Europe

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